IBBR Webinars
Quality of vegetable seeds in the global market: a phytosanitary challenge for supporting sustainable agriculture and food security
Davide Giovanardi
Depatimento di Scienze della Vita - Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Italy
November 23, 2022 (11:30-12:30)
Webinar Link: https://meet.goto.com/879244845
Abstract: Seeds are the primary basis for human sustenance. One of the major reason for low productivity is crop loss due to phytosanitary problems: each year, up to 16% of the global harvest is lost due to plant diseases. Limiting or preventing the introduction and dissemination of seed borne pathogens that harm plants is crucial to ensuring food security. Therefore, international science-based standards for phytosanitary measures are essential to maintain seed quality and prevent the risk posed by pest and disease dissemination. Among these standards, seed production strategies (e.g., Good Seed and Plant Practices; GSPP), diagnostic protocols and phytosanitary certification, chemical or physical seed treatments are playing a key role. Concurrently, the actors in these seed systems may involve farmers, seed companies that increasingly operate internationally, as well as governmental regulatory and international bodies, like the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), International Seed Federation (ISF), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), National Plant Protection Organisations and research institutions. The biosecurity alert posed by Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum associated with apiaceous (mainly carrot) seeds will be illustrated as a phytosanitary challenge from the research point of view
Author's Info: https://personale.unimore.it/rubrica/dettaglio/davidegiovanardi
Link to video: https://youtu.be/XHWXXfe3VTg