National Research Council of Italy

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IBBR Webinars


The manyfold roles of botanists and plant ecologists

Salvatore Pasta 
IBBR - UOS Palermo - Italy

July 27, 2022 (11:30-12:30)
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Abstract: Biology and ecology for wild and crop plant conservation Field investigations allow to a better understanding of the biology, the demography and (micro)topographic and (micro)climatic requirements of wild plants of high conservation interest (e.g., endemic, rare and endangered species). Moreover, studying the plant communities where such plants live enables a significant improvement of the conservation strategies. For the same reasons, similar investigations focused on wild crop relatives, may be of paramount importance to improve the conservation strategies concerning important crop plants. Linking the past and the present landscapes Available knowledge on the ecology and distribution of plant species (especially those linked to forest communities) allows to better trace the history and evolution of landscapes by comparing the data issuing from old maps, travelogues and archaeobotany (pollen, wood remains, charcoal) with current patterns. This bulk of information may provide key clues to write down more sustainable management plans on the local and regional scales. Urban habitats More than half of the world’s population is already living in the cities. Hence, there is an increasing need to understand how life scientists could support life considering the growing pressure on relatively small surfaces and how to make urban, sub-urban and peri-urban areas more liveable not only for humans, but also for other living beings. In this context, the comprehension and improvement of plant communities is the only way to support long-lasting and well-functioning ecosystems and ecosystem services. Invasion biology Alien plant establishment and invasion represent one of the main threats for natural habitats and one of the main costs for managing urban and rural areas. Studies focused on the ecology and behavior of these "outsiders" within their home range allow to predict their invasiveness better and detect the most effective measures and strategies to manage their establishment in the manmade and natural habitats where they have been introduced. Ethnobotany, Food Science and Medicine The increasing cultural collaboration between human scientists (ethnologists, language-dialect experts, archaeologists), social scientists, botanists, biochemists and medicine scientists makes it possible to "save" (i.e., non only record but also apply) what is left about the ecological traditional knowledge concerning plant uses

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