National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Antonello Costa

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 081-2539212
E-mail: antonello.costa[at]

Education and Training

  • Dec 1997: Permanent position as Researcher at the Research Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Breeding (now IBBR) of the National Research Council of Italy
  • Dec 1994-Dec 1997: Research at the Researche Center of Vegetable Plant Breeding, Portici, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 23 of D.P.R. 12.2.91, n.171
  • May 1996: Stage at the Biochemistry Institute, Biological Research Centre of National Academy of Science", Szeged, Ungheria
  • Gen 1990-Dec 1991: CNR Fellowship at the Researche Center of Vegetable Plant Breeding, Portici and at the Laboratory of Plant Hardiness", University of Minnesota, USA (from November 1990 to November 1991)
  • Nov 1987: Graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Naples

Main Research Interests

Experience on the applications of biotecnologies to plant breeding of vegetable crops. Activity focused on the isolation, characterization and transfer of genes involved in the plant stress response and on the functional genomics approaches for a global plant gene expression analysis in response to environmental stimuli. In particulary, the activity is been and is focused on:

  • tolerance mechanisms in water stressed potato plants: role of stability of cell membranes
  • isolation, characterization and transfer of genes involved in the plant stress response, using different technologies.
  • a large number of plant genes, involved in plant stress response/adaptation, have been identified thus far on the basis of their changed regulation.
  • functional characterization of genes, previously isolated in response to abiotic stresses, by different approachs with different level of stress tolerance
  • molecular and phenotipical characterization of arabidopsis mutants and sovraexpression genotypes for genes of interest.

Recent publications

De PalmaM., GrilloS., MassarelliI., CostaA., BaloghG., VighL., Leone A.(2008) Regulation of desaturase gene expression, changes in membrane lipid composition and freezing tolerance in potato plants. Molecular Breeding 21: 15-26

Ambrosone A., Costa A., Frusciante L., Monti L., Leone A., Grillo S. (2008) Unravelling the molecular cues of plant adaptation or survival to water deficit. Options Méditerranéennes 84: 85-91. Irrigation in Mediterranean Agriculture: challenges and innovation for the next decades

Costa A., Di Giacomo M., Massarelli I., De Palma M., Leone A., Grillo S. (2010) Isolation, characterization and expression of an elongation factor 1a gene in potato (Solanum tuberosum) cell cultures. Plant Biosystems 144: 618-625

Ambrosone A., Costa A., Martinelli M., Massarelli I., De Simone V., Grillo S., Leone A. (2011) Differential gene regulation in potato cells and plants upon abrupt or gradual exposure to water stress. Acta Physiol Plant 33: 1157-1171

Ambrosone A., Costa A., Leone A., Grillo S. (2012) Beyond transcription: RNA-binding proteins as emerging regulators of plant response to environmental constraints. Plant Science 182: 12-18, DOI 10.1016/j.plantsci.2011.02.004

Ambrosone A., Di Giacomo M., Leone A., Grillo S., Costa A. (2013) Identification of early induced genes upon water deficit in potato cell cultures by cDNA-AFLP. Journal of Plant Research 126: 169-178


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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