National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Marina Iovene

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 0812539027
E-mail: marina.iovene[at]

Research Experience

2008-present Researcher at the IBBR-CNR

2009-2012 Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Horticulture, laboratory of Prof. Jiming Jiang

2006-2009 Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Horticulture, laboratories of Prof. Philipp W. Simon and Prof. Jiming Jiang

2006 Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy, Department of Soil, Plant, Environmental and Animal Production Sciences, laboratory of Prof. Domenico Carputo

2004-2005 Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Horticulture, laboratory of Prof. P.W. Simon

2001-2005 Graduate student, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy, Department of Soil, Plant, Environmental and Animal Production Sciences, laboratories of Prof. D. Carputo


2006 Ph.D. in Agricultural Biology - Horticulture and genetic crop improvement, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy

2002 M.S. in Plant Biotechnology, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy

2000 B.S. in Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy

Research Area

Plant molecular cytogenetics; karyotype evolution, structural changes and satellite repeats of crops and their wild relatives;use of in vitro culture and wild crop relatives for genetic crop improvement.

Selected Publications

  • Cremona G, Iovene M, Festa G, Conicella C, Parisi M (2018) Production of embryo rescued hybrids between the landrace “Friariello” (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) and C. baccatum var. pendulum: phenotypic and cytological characterization. Euphytica, 214: 129.
  • Iorizzo M, Ellison S, Senalik D, Zeng P, Satapoomin P, Huang J, Bowman M, Iovene M, Sanseverino W, Cavagnaro P, Yildiz M, Macko-Podgórni A, Moranska E, Grzebelus E, Grzebelus, D, Ashrafi H, Zheng Z, Cheng S, Spooner D, Van Deynze A, Simon P (2016). A high-quality carrot genome assembly provides new insights into carotenoid accumulation and asterid genome evolution. Nature Genetics, vol. 48, p. 657-666, ISSN: 1061-4036, doi: 10.1038/ng.3565. Cover story.
  • Iovene M, Yu QY, Ming R, and Jiang J (2015) Evidence for emergence of sex-determining gene(s) in a centromeric region in Vasconcellea parviflora. Genetics 199: 413-421. ISSN: 0016-6731, doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.173021
  • Iovene M, Zhang T, Lou Q, Buell CR, Jiang J (2013) Copy number variation in potato - an asexually propagated autotetraploid species. The Plant Journal, 75: 80-89.
  • Gong Z, Wu Y, Koblížková A, Torres GA, Wang K, Iovene M, Neumann P, Zhang W, Novák P, Buell CR, Macas J, Jiming J (2012) Repeatless and repeat-based centromeres in potato: implications for centromere evolution. Plant Cell, 24: 3559-3574.
  • Iovene M, Aversano R, Savarese S, Caruso I, Di Matteo A, Cardi T, Frusciante L, Carputo D (2012) Interspecific somatic hybrids between Solanum bulbocastanum and S. tuberosum and their haploidization for potato breeding. Biologia Plantarum, 56: 1-8.
  • The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (2011) Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato. Nature, 475: 189-195. Cover story.
  • Torres GA, Gong Z, Iovene M, Hirsch C, Buell CR, Bryan GJ, Novák P, Macas J, Jiang J (2011) Organization and evolution of subtelomeric DNA in the potato genome. G3, 1: 85-92. Cover story.
  • Iovene M, Cavagnaro PF, Senalik D, Buell CR, Jiang J, Simon PW (2011) Comparative FISH mapping of Daucus species (Apiaceae family). Chromosome Research, 19: 493-506.
  • Lou Q, Iovene M, Spooner D, Buell CR, Jiang J (2010) Evolution of chromosome 6 of Solanum species revealed by comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping. Chromosoma, 119: 435-442.

Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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