Marina Iovene
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 0812539027
E-mail: marina.iovene[at]
Research Experience
2008-present Researcher at the IBBR-CNR
2009-2012 Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Horticulture, laboratory of Prof. Jiming Jiang
2006-2009 Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Horticulture, laboratories of Prof. Philipp W. Simon and Prof. Jiming Jiang
2006 Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy, Department of Soil, Plant, Environmental and Animal Production Sciences, laboratory of Prof. Domenico Carputo
2004-2005 Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Department of Horticulture, laboratory of Prof. P.W. Simon
2001-2005 Graduate student, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy, Department of Soil, Plant, Environmental and Animal Production Sciences, laboratories of Prof. D. Carputo
2006 Ph.D. in Agricultural Biology - Horticulture and genetic crop improvement, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy
2002 M.S. in Plant Biotechnology, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy
2000 B.S. in Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy
Research Area
Plant molecular cytogenetics; karyotype evolution, structural changes and satellite repeats of crops and their wild relatives;use of in vitro culture and wild crop relatives for genetic crop improvement.
Selected Publications
- Cremona G, Iovene M, Festa G, Conicella C, Parisi M (2018) Production of embryo rescued hybrids between the landrace “Friariello” (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) and C. baccatum var. pendulum: phenotypic and cytological characterization. Euphytica, 214: 129.
- Iorizzo M, Ellison S, Senalik D, Zeng P, Satapoomin P, Huang J, Bowman M, Iovene M, Sanseverino W, Cavagnaro P, Yildiz M, Macko-Podgórni A, Moranska E, Grzebelus E, Grzebelus, D, Ashrafi H, Zheng Z, Cheng S, Spooner D, Van Deynze A, Simon P (2016). A high-quality carrot genome assembly provides new insights into carotenoid accumulation and asterid genome evolution. Nature Genetics, vol. 48, p. 657-666, ISSN: 1061-4036, doi: 10.1038/ng.3565. Cover story.
- Iovene M, Yu QY, Ming R, and Jiang J (2015) Evidence for emergence of sex-determining gene(s) in a centromeric region in Vasconcellea parviflora. Genetics 199: 413-421. ISSN: 0016-6731, doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.173021
- Iovene M, Zhang T, Lou Q, Buell CR, Jiang J (2013) Copy number variation in potato - an asexually propagated autotetraploid species. The Plant Journal, 75: 80-89.
- Gong Z, Wu Y, Koblížková A, Torres GA, Wang K, Iovene M, Neumann P, Zhang W, Novák P, Buell CR, Macas J, Jiming J (2012) Repeatless and repeat-based centromeres in potato: implications for centromere evolution. Plant Cell, 24: 3559-3574.
- Iovene M, Aversano R, Savarese S, Caruso I, Di Matteo A, Cardi T, Frusciante L, Carputo D (2012) Interspecific somatic hybrids between Solanum bulbocastanum and S. tuberosum and their haploidization for potato breeding. Biologia Plantarum, 56: 1-8.
- The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (2011) Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato. Nature, 475: 189-195. Cover story.
- Torres GA, Gong Z, Iovene M, Hirsch C, Buell CR, Bryan GJ, Novák P, Macas J, Jiang J (2011) Organization and evolution of subtelomeric DNA in the potato genome. G3, 1: 85-92. Cover story.
- Iovene M, Cavagnaro PF, Senalik D, Buell CR, Jiang J, Simon PW (2011) Comparative FISH mapping of Daucus species (Apiaceae family). Chromosome Research, 19: 493-506.
- Lou Q, Iovene M, Spooner D, Buell CR, Jiang J (2010) Evolution of chromosome 6 of Solanum species revealed by comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping. Chromosoma, 119: 435-442.
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Autopolyploid inheritance and a heterozygous reciprocal translocation shape chromosome genetic behavior in tetraploid blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum )
Mengist MF, Bostan H, De Paola D, Teresi SJ, Platts AE, Cremona G, Qi X, Mackey T, Bassil NV, Ashrafi H, Giongo L, Jibran R, Chagné D, Bianco L, Lila MA, Rowland LJ, Iovene M, Edger PP, Iorizzo M
Year: 2022
Transcriptome Analysis Provides Novel Insights into Salt Stress Response in Two Egyptian Rice Varieties with Different Tolerance Levels
Shehab M, Iovene M, Ciancio A, Colagiero M, Finetti-Sialer M
Year: 2022
Carrot molecular cytogenetics
Iovene M, Grzebelus E
Year: 2019
Production of embryo rescued hybrids between the landrace “Friariello” (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) and C. baccatum var. pendulum: phenotypic and cytological characterization
Cremona G, Iovene M, Festa G, Conicella C, Parisi M
Year: 2018
Recent advance in carrot genomics
Iorizzo M, Ellison S, Van Deynze A, Stoffel K, Ashrafi H, Iovene M, Cavagnaro P, Cheng S, Zheng P, Zheng Z, Senalik D, Spooner DM, Simon PW
Year: 2017
A high-quality carrot genome assembly provides new insights into carotenoid accumulation and asterid genome evolution
Iorizzo M, Ellison S, Senalik D, Zeng P, Satapoomin P, Huang J, Bowman M, Iovene M, Sanseverino W, Cavagnaro P, Yildiz M, Macko-Podgórni A, Moranska E, Grzebelus E, Grzebelus D, Ashrafi H, Zheng Z, Cheng S, Spooner D, Van Deynze A, Simon P
Year: 2016
The carrot genome provides insights into crop origins and a foundation for future crop improvement
Simon P, Iorizzo M, Ellison S, Senalik D, Peng Z, Satapoomin P, Jiaying H, Bowman M, Iovene M, Sanseverino W, Cavagnaro P, Yildiz M, Macko-Podgórni A, Moranska E, Grzebelus E, Grzebelus D, Ashrafi H, Zhijun Z, Shifeng C, Spooner D, Van Deynze A
Year: 2016
Evidence for Emergence of Sex-Determining Gene(s) in a Centromeric Region in Vasconcellea parviflora
Iovene M, Yu Q, Ming R, Jiang J
Year: 2014
Copy number variation in potato - an asexually propagated autotetraploid species
Iovene M, Zhang T, Lou Q, Buell CR, Jiang J
Year: 2013
Repeatless and Repeat-Based Centromeres in Potato: Implications for Centromere Evolution
Gong Z, Wu Y, Koblizkova A, Torres GA, Wang K, Iovene M, Neumann P, Zhang W, Novak P, Buell CR, Macas J, Jiang J
Year: 2012
Interspecific somatic hybrids between Solanum bulbocastanum and S. tuberosum and their haploidization for potato breeding
Iovene M, Aversano R, Savarese S, Caruso I, Di Matteo A, Cardi T, Frusciante L, Carputo D
Year: 2012
Comparative FISH mapping of Daucus species (Apiaceae family)
Iovene M, Cavagnaro PF, Senalik D, Buell CR, Jiang J, Simon PW
Year: 2011
Organization and evolution of subtelomeric DNA in the potato genome
Torres GA, Gong Z, Iovene M, Hirsch C, Buell CR, Bryan GJ, Novák P, Macas J, Jiang J
Year: 2011
Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato
Xu X, Pan S, Cheng S, Zhang B, Mu D, Ni P, Zhang G, Yang S, Li R, Wang J, Orjeda G, Guzman F, Torres M, Lozano R, Ponce O, Martinez D, De la Cruz G, Chakrabarti SK, Patil VU, Skryabin KG, Kuznetsov BB, Ravin NV, Kolganova TV, Beletsky AV, Mardanov AV, Di Genova A, Bolser DM, Martin DM, Li G, Yang Y, Kuang H, Hu Q, Xiong X, Bishop GJ, Sagredo B, Mejía N, Zagorski W, Gromadka R, Gawor J, Szczesny P, Huang S, Zhang Z, Liang C, He J, Li Y, He Y, Xu J, Zhang Y, Xie B, Du Y, Qu D, Bonierbale M, Ghislain M, del Rosario Herrera M, Giuliano G, Pietrella M, Perrotta G, Facella P, O’brien K, Feingold SE, Barreiro LE, Massa GA, Diambra L, Whitty BR, Vaillancourt B, Lin H, Massa AN, Geoffroy M, Lundback S, Dellapenna D, Robin Buell C, Sharma SK, Marshall DF, Waugh R, Bryan GJ, Destefanis M, Nagy I, Milbourne D, Thomson SJ, Fiers M, Jacobs JM, Nielsen KL, Sønderkær M, Iovene M, Torres GA, Jiang J, Veilleux RE, Bachem CW, de Boer J, Borm T, Kloosterman B, van Eck H, Datema E, te Lintel Hekkert B, Goverse A, van Ham RC, Visser RG
Year: 2011
Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome composition of Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids
Iovene M, Savarese S, Cardi T, Frusciante L, Scotti N, Simon PW, Carputo D
Year: 2007