National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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IBBR Project #318

Improving the RESilience to climate change of ITalian oak FORests facing dieback
Project ID 318
ID 202224ZHWF
Acronym ResItFor
Project acronym and title Improving the RESilience to climate change of ITalian oak FORests facing dieback
Contract -
Description Climate change is a well-documented planetary process and we are experiencing its effects, such as temperature increase and changes in frequency and intensity of extreme events. Experiments and observations point to the likelihood that, if climate change proceeds at its current rate, the resilience of many forests will be threatened by altering their structure and function, thus reducing their capability to provide fundamental ecosystem services. For example, within the Mediterranean region, forest vulnerability is rapidly increasing as a consequence of severe water shortage, with several dieback and forest mortality cases reported in Italy over the last two decades. In addition, trees are long-lived and sessile organisms whose migration potential and long-term genetic adaptation are likely too slow to keep pace with current climate change. We still have limited ability to predict climate-related tree mortality mostly because early-warnings are often species-specific and divergent among regions. To better predict the fate of tree species, besides an in-depth understanding on how climate variables affect their growth, we need to comprehend the key genetic and physiological mechanisms involved in adaptive responses. This calls for a thorough evaluation of the link among genotypes, phenotypes and climatic drivers constraining tree growth across species and environments. By collecting an unprecedented amount of phenotypic and genomic information on two emblematic and sensitive species (Quercus robur L. and Quercus frainetto Ten.) across Italy, the ResItFor project aims at revealing the genomic signature of tree adaptation and resistance against individual climate-related decline. ResItFor will focus on natural tree populations where selection strength is likely large enough to discriminate between declining (D) and not-declining (ND) trees in terms of genetic and growth traits. Two-hundreds pairs of nearby D and ND trees will be genetically characterized to get abundant genomic information at ~200,000 SNP loci and in-depth dendrophenotyped by quantitative wood anatomy and isotopic analyses. We will end up with focal populations characterized by unparalleled phenotypic and genotypic information merged at the individual level for trees showing contrasting life-history trajectories. A battery of statistical approaches will eventually reveal the genomic signature underlying both complex phenotypic traits with adaptive value and responses to single events that can push trees from growth decline to death. The results of the project will promote conservation of forest genetic resources providing useful information on species and genotypes particularly adapted/resilient to climatic stressors. The preparation of recommendations and guidelines for stakeholders, policy makers, and managers will help to opt for different forest management options to better cope with future climate change challenges and will represent the conclusive step of ResItFor.
Funding body Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
UOS Firenze
Role Capofila/Coordinatore
Signatory Vendramin Giovanni Giuseppe
Contact Person Vendramin Giovanni Giuseppe, Piotti Andrea, Bagnoli Francesca, Avanzi Camilla, Pinosio Sara, Castellani Maria Beatrice, Vajana Elia
Project Web SIte http://
Starting of activities 2023
Ending of activities 2025
Extension -
Amount (euro) 280616.00
Technological Area -
Technological Field Ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali negli ecosistemi agricoli e forestali
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Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR)
Via G. Amendola 165/A, I-70126 Bari (Italy)
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