National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Sergio Fatta Del Bosco

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: sergio.fatta[at]

Curriculum vitae


Date and Place of Birth: 13.01.1962, Palermo, Italy.

Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Palermo, National Research Council, Corso Calatafimi, 414, 90129 Palermo (PA), Italy.

Tel: +39 091 6574578, Fax. +39 091 423424


Tertiary Education

Degree in Plant Science (Final mark of 110/110 with distinction) - University of Palermo, Italy. 1985

Fellowships and Awards

Two years fellowship award from the National Council of Research at the CNR - Centro Miglioramento Genetico Agrumi, 1989-1990.

Two years fellowship award from the National Council of Research for "DNA analysis in Citrus” tenable at the Department of Botany and Plant Science, University of California, Riverside, USA. 1990-1991

One year fellowship award from the National Council of Research for "Genetic transformation and obtaining of transgenic plant in Citrus” tenable at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, Florida, USA. 1997-1998.

Work experience

Researcher from 1994 at the Institute of Vegetable Genetics of the National Research Council of Italy.

Main research topics:

Research focus on genetics of Citrus for the improvement of varietes and rootstocks.

Work activity:

Plant tissue, cell and protoplast culture and induction of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis;

Somatic hybridization and regeneration of somatic hybrids and cybrids in Citrus;

Micropropagation and in vitro culture of plant tissues;

Ploidy manipulation through in vitro techniques;

Studies of the mechanisms involved in sexual reproduction (macrosporogenesis and microsporogenesis) and selection of superior genotypes in Citrus;

Regeneration of Citrus transgenic plants through protoplast culture;

Genetic analysis and molecular characterization of citrus genotypes using molecular markers;

Analysis of the Citrus bioactive compounds and studies of their effect on human health;

Characterization of plant biochemicals for industrial purposes.


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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