National Research Council of Italy

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Assistant Professorship in Glycoscience position at KTH (Stockholm)

Segnalato da: Marco Moracci

Da: Vincent Bulone (
Oggetto: Assistant Professorship in Glycoscience position
Data: 03 ottobre 2014 08:16:34 CEST

Dear Colleagues,

I would be grateful if you could inform any possible candidates for an Assistant Professorship in Glycoscience, with specialization in the characterization of carbohydrates from biomass, open in my lab at the Glycoscience Division at KTH (Stockholm). The activities of the successful candidate are to be developed in the context of the Wallenberg Wood Science Centre in close collaboration between my group and the group of Professor Mikael Lindström from the KTH School of Chemistry.

It is open for an initial period of employment of 4 years, but it will be made permanent pending positive review of performance at the term of the 4 years as per the tenure track system in place at KTH.

The profile of the position and further details are available on the following link:

Candidates are welcome to contact me directly using the details provided in the signature of this message. Please note that the deadline for KTH to receive applications is November 3rd, 2014.

Kind regards,

Vincent Bulone
Professor of Plant Glycobiology
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
School of Biotechnology
Swedish Center for Biomimetic Fiber Engineering (Biomime)
AlbaNova University Center
SE-106 91 Stockholm

Visiting address: Roslagstullsbacken 21



by: Gabriele Bucci - Last Updated: Oct 04, 2014 (18:55)

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