National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Ignazio Fontana

Section: Technicians
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578

Personal Info

Name: Ignazio Fontana

Date and Place of Birth: 22/03/1973

Professional Address:Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Palermo, National Research Council, Corso Calatafimi, 414, 90129 Palermo (PA), Italy.

Tel: +39 091 6574578, Fax. +39 091 423424


Current Position

- From June 2010, Technician at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR) UOS Palermo, CNR - National Research Council of Italy (former Institute of Plant Genetics).


- International Course in “Automated Functional Annotation and Data Mining”,Centro de Investigaciones Príncipe Felipe - Valencia 23-25 October 2013

- EPS (Experimental Plant Sciences): “The power of RNA-seq” University of Wageningen, Netherlands, organized by “Laboratory of Bioinformatics of Wageningen university and the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC). 5 - 7 June 2013

- “NGS and non-coding RNA data analysis” organized by ITB CNR and NGS Network Italy - Bari 17-19 April 2013

Main Professional Skills

- Expertise in: Unix-like Systems programming, Scripting programming languages (Perl, Python, Shell), C++ and Java programming, Html, Networking, Relational Database Management.

Main research topics


** Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies: De novo plastidial genome assembly and analysis, De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis, Molecular markers discovery in non-model species transcriptomes, DNA Barcoding.

Using the NGS approach we started studies on important topics of different species (Capparis spp., Vitis vinifera, Vitis sylvestirs, Olea europea L and medicinal plants). We performed a de novo assembly of the transcriptome of non-model species like Capparis spp. to develop a new and efficient panel of molecular markers to study inter and intra population diversity and increasing biodiversity conservation. We also carried out a differential expression study in Capparis spp. to discovery differentially expressed genes involved in the processes of environmental adaptation. In addition, since DNA barcoding is a widely used and effective tool that enables rapid and accurate identification of plant species, we isolated and sequenced whole plastidial genome of the principal olive and grape cultivars of Sicily to identify genetic variants and develop a barcoding system to characterize and safeguard the plant materials and their complex matrices (oil and wine).

** Bayesian analysis of genetic population structure, Computational Biology, Molecular markers data analysis.

Current Responsabilities

- Web editor of the IBBR web site

- Responsible for IT Infrastructure and Networking of the IBBR Division of Palermo

- GARR APM (Access Port Manager) for the IBBR Division of Palermo


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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